How Can I Serve You?

Throughout the summer my team and I will be visiting neighborhoods and providing residents with information about how to contact my office. As your State Representative, it is my goal to be easily accessible to you and improve the quality of life for every resident in our community.

There is a wide array of services that my office can help with. From navigating state agencies to providing timely Medicaid Assistance, my team is eager and well equipped to correctly resolve your issues. Below is a partial list of the services my team can help you with:

– Veteran’s Assistance
– Medicaid Assistance
– Unemployment Benefits
– IPASS Transponder Issues
– Consumer Complaints
– Contacting DCFS
– Eagle Scout Certificates
– Hunting/Fishing Licenses
– Road Repair Timelines
– Certificates of Recognition
– and much, much more!!!

Please don’t hesitate to contact my office if you have any questions about these or any other topic that I may be able to help with. Please give me a call at (630) 349-0645We would love to hear from you.

Warm regards,

State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro